Football and basketball season brings the need for cute cheerleader fabrics, bedding sets and cheerleader theme wall decals and decorations for our bedroom decorating projects to the top of our game plan. Let the sound of the cheering fans and the marching band be a reminder to you that it's time to start pulling out those cheerleading theme decorating ideas for your junior high or middle school cheerleader's bedroom.
The latest cheerleader bedding has all of the bright and CHEERFUL motifs of cheerleaders rooting for the home team in their multi-colored uniforms. The fabrics are embroidered and appliqued with popular cheerleading motifs that will take you straight back to your high school athletic glory days of teenage bliss.
What a wonderful positive bedroom decorating idea for a pretty cheerleader. Some wall and bedroom decorations that you can pick up and paint in your personal team colors would be
- Plush stuffed team mascots
- Pom Poms
- Vintage megaphones
Return to Tween and Teenage Girl Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to see more cheerleader fabrics, bedding sets and bedroom decorating ideas.