I have received several e-mails with questions regarding zebra print bedding sets in full size, queen size and king size. We have recently featured several zebra bedding collections in our free online teenage girls decorating magazine articles. It's been a lot of fun to experiment with different color combinations from red and pink to yellow and blue.
As I'm sure that you have observed, many times I will feature stock photographs from bedding catalogs and online sites and use these images as examples of various styles of teenage bedrooms. In this particular instance, I had used some examples of bedrooms that used black and white zebra stripes with little else in the way of fabric print and design.
The questions that I have received have asked for teen girl decorating ideas and instructions for other patterns that could be incorporated into the room so that the zebra print isn't quite so bold and attention grabbing.
Adults rooms where the beds are decorated with zebra print bedding often depends on various solid colors and greenery to offset the wild animal print. Grownups are looking for a soft place to land at the end of the day and mixed prints and patterns don't spell tranquility for people who have had to suffer the stress of a busy day in the landscape of urban life.
Teen girls, on the other hand, seem to strive on stimulating, mixes of neon colored bedding and glittering flashy decorations. For this teen that loves to push through the barriers of conservative decor I would suggest that she get a zebra print comforter or duvet cover in a luxurious fabric and try some funky graphics as accent pillows, wild animal print curtains and bedskirts.
The only rule that I can think of when coordinating graphic prints with zebra stripes would be that you might want to check that the graphics on the fabrics that you are considering not be any wider than the average width of any given black stripe.
Send me some pictures and I'll be happy to give my opinion and even some one on one decorating advice if I can.
Always lie the coordinating fabric alongside your main decorative piece before buying out the store! You might get it home and find the combination makes you nauseous!
Return to Tween and Teenage Girls Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas for more tips on the latest in decor for a young lady's boudoir.