No matter where you live, in a month the water temps will be super. Until then, it’s time for girls’ beach bedroom ideas to set the stage for the sun, surf and sand that are no doubt your teenage girl’s reason for existence in the summer.
Kicking off a successful beach theme decorating project in your daughter’s room is as easy as finding the perfect surf bedding set, flip flop bedding or Hawaiian bedding covered in hula girls or vintage Hawaiian scenes filled with images of palm trees and volcanoes in the background that seem threatening but would never dare to erupt and ruin a perfect day when playing in the ocean’s waves is the only occupation on a young lady’s mind.
When thinking of what to use to decorate the walls that will match your teenage girl’s beach print comforter set, think cheap and colorful. Teens are given to changing their minds as often as they change their outfits. Avoid the temptation to buy expensive limited edition art prints or designer, beach theme teenage girls bedding sets and instead look for cheap flip flip prints, Hawaiian travel posters or buy some wall hangers and use her surfboard as part of the decor.
Remember the beach with a tiki hut that your daughter and her teenage friends raved about? Use their description of that magical place in your plans for girls’ beach bedroom ideas. You can buy bed canopies, window treatments and bedskirts made out of raffia that resembles both hula skirt material and the thatch on the tiki hut’s roof. This material has a tropical feel to it that won’t clash with any color scheme and will coordinate beautifully with any beach theme comforter set that your tween or teenage girl fell in love with.
The first color that may pop into your mind for the best paint color to use as a foundation for your girls’ beach bedroom ideas may be your favorite shade of blue. Whether that is turquoise, teal blue or a deep azure, my advice is to save it for an accent color and focus instead on choosing a good neutral color. Imagine the color of the sand on your favorite beach where you spent your island vacation.
Never fear, I won’t take our girls’ beach bedroom ideas as far as to sprinkle sand on the floor of the room. But I do recommend replacing the existing carpet with woven sisal rugs, bamboo rugs or flooring.
Those tips should put you on your way to forming your own teenage girls beach bedroom ideas and Hawaiian surf decorating plans that will please any beach bunny beyond her wildest dreams.