I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again; aqua blue and brown bedding sets are a blessing to long suffering decorators looking for the best combination of earthy and cool, peaceful colors.
It would be impossible for me to say how many times the fabric that I recommended to a client was rejected because it was too busy or chaotic for the restful atmosphere that is desirable for an adult’s bedroom. But traditional decorating ideas and bedding sets for a teenage girl’s bedroom can take a step outside these boundaries and often be more acceptable for doing so.
Such is the case with an aqua and blue comforter set that falls into a bohemian style rather than, say an beach theme aqua bedding set. This is where shades of blue and earth tones get wild and funky and bored decorators (such as yours truly) get to have a little fun and enjoy seeing the appeal of a boho bedroom through the eyes of a teen girl who would rather die than having an average, run of the mill room.
So, how do we get the results that will appeal to both mother and daughter while operating within the color restrictions that the former laid out for us? For starters, I go shopping for an icy aqua blue and brown bedding set that is as far from anything that a grownup would want as possible. Gathering material for a layout of chocolate brown and blue fabrics covered with paisley, circles, dots and geometric prints to be sewn together in a patchwork quilt is one way to do it. Another is to broaden the range of colors to include some unusual accents in salmon pink and a few pops of white to break things up and draw attention to the bedding set. The rule of thumb for a bohemian bedroom with aqua blue and brown bedding sets or any color whatsoever is to expect the unexpected; in fact the more unique and unusual the better for this theme. But in my case, I have to run all decisions regarding decorations and fabric selection by mom as teens and preteens don’t have a good track record for considering the flow of the home’s decor when decorating their bedrooms.
Return to Teenage Girls Aqua Blue and Brown Bedding Sets and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to find more tips for decorating a bohemian style bedroom in various color schemes.